Trusted by 300,000+ directors, teachers, and families
Simplify Daycare Management with Our All-in-One Platform
Effortless Billing and Payment Processing for Daycare Centers
Boost Family Engagement and Secure More Referrals
Consolidate Your Daycare Systems to Reduce Costs
5.0 Rating
300,000+ providers, teachers, & families
as seen on
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Grow your daycare business with Playground
Seamlessly manage attendance, enrollment, billing, communications, and all administrative tasks with our daycare software
Available in Spanish
1:1 Dedicated account manager
60 second live chat response time
Authenticated Reviewer
Amanda A.
Home Based
Multi Site
Before & After School
School District
Streamlined Billing
Automatic daycare billing
Invoicing templates
Reports accountants love
End of year tax statements
Easy Daycare Attendance
Never lose another sign in/out
Attendance reports in seconds
Attendance-based billing
Forecast ratios to optimize staffing
Tour the highest rated daycare & preschool management app
Digital registration & enrollment
Customizable daycare enrollment forms
Automatic personalized emails
Simple daycare waitlist management
Text waitlisted families
Payroll & staff management
Full service payroll, tax filing, and time tracking
Paid time off requests & staff scheduling
Staff policies & resources
Worker's comp & benefits
How Boys & Girls Club of the Mountain Empire made more money to put back in teacher salaries
After implementing Playground, Boys & Girls Club of the Mountain Empire was able to retain teachers for longer because of their savings.
decrease in delinquent payments
hours saved each month on payroll
hours saved each week per classroom
Every customer is paired 1:1 with a dedicated account manager who helps you get set up for success
5.0 Rating
Free data migration
60 second average first response time for live human support
Help center with 450+ guides, videos, and walkthroughs
Public roadmap for new features you can suggest
Disponible en español
Authenticated Reviewer
Kelsey F.