Child Care leader spotlight

Ceslee Frost

Owner/Teacher @ Little Hands Preschool

In-home child care

12 children

Ventura, CA

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In a rush? Here's the summary:
  • This is an interview with Ceslee Frost, owner and teacher at Little Hands Preschool, an in-home child care program providing care to 12 children. We discuss how Ceslee started, her advice to others, and what has been crucial to her success over these past 13 years in business.

  • Ceslee adopted Playground's child care management software to centralize her family communication, make all her paperwork digital, and organize her finances ensuring she is collecting all of her revenue on time.

  • Ceslee has a robust child care policy handbook for both her families and her staff. This has been developed with years of experience, adding in new sections as new events arise. This handbook has helped her avoid countless problems. Ceslee has worked with us to put together a child care policy writing guide that is available for free to all child care providers here.

  • Getting to a healthy work-life balance is crucial for long-term success as a child care provider, allowing you to re-charge and reset. Ceslee and her team take two weeks of paid-vacation each year and are closed for the winter holidays.