5.0 Rating
100,000+ providers, teachers, & families
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Claim your account
Eligibility requirements
How to claim your free subscription
To be eligible for your free subscription, follow these two steps:
Regulated licensed, registered, or legally licensed exempt CCDF provider with the State
In good standing with the State and actively serving children
Eligible provider admins will be able to apply for their free subscription by completing an application on Indiana’s I-LEAD portal coming this Spring 2024
Create your Playground account
If you're curious about what the platform offers, you can schedule a free 30 minute Zoom demo with a specialist or call us at (310) 625-3726.
See how you can make your families & teachers happier while driving down your costs.
Authenticated Reviewer
Amanda A.
Home Based
Multi Site
Before & After School
School District
Streamlined Billing
Automatic invoicing & collections
Track offline payments
Attendance-based billing
Late pickup fees
Family generated tax statements
Reports your accountant will love
Authenticated Reviewer
Ceslee F.
Digital Registration
State licensing paperwork templates
Automatic personalized emails
Simple waitlist management
Self-serve flow for families
Text waitlisted families
Automatic registration fee & tuition deposit workflows
Authenticated Reviewer
Erin W.
Improved Family Engagement
Share photos & videos
On my way queue
Custom daily reports
Teacher engagement dashboard
Flexible messaging
Emergency text messaging
Professional & easy
Manage your business effortlessly from one place
Streamline your administrative tasks and delight your families with Playground's all-in-one child care app
Payroll is coming soon!
Watch our quick overview below to get an overview of the all-in-one platform
Every customer is paired 1:1 with a dedicated account manager who helps you get set up for success
5.0 Rating
Free data migration
60 second average first response time for live human support
Help center with 450+ guides, videos, and walkthroughs
Public roadmap for new features you can suggest
Disponible en español
Authenticated Reviewer
Kelsey F.